Air Force ATC Medical Lessons Learned, undated.
Air Force HQ ARPC/RC Lessons-Learned, JULLS #52348-71500, May 21, 1991.
Air Force Instruction 10-403 (AFI 10-403), "Deployment Planning," May 27, 1998.
Air Force Instruction 36-2608 (AFI 36-2608), "Military Personnel Records System," July 1, 1996.
Air Force Instruction 37-138 (AFI 37-138), "Records Disposition Policies and Procedures," March 31, 1994.
Air Force Instruction 41-210 (AFI 41-210), "Patient Administration Functions," July 26, 1994.
Air Force Joint Instruction 48-110, Army Regulation 40-562, Bureau of Medicine Instruction 6230.15, and Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4E, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," November 1, 1995.
Air Force Letter, SAF/AAIA to HQ AFCC/IMD et al., Subject: Records Management Update, April 17, 1991.
Air Force Letter, USAF Hospital Robins/SGAX to HQ AFLC/SGSP, Subject: Medical After-Action Report, March 21, 1991.
Air Force Letter, USCENTAF/IM to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Units/IM, Subject: Disposition of Records, January 27, 1991.
Air Force Letter, USCENTAF/IM to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Units/IM, Subject: Disposition of Records, February 9, 1991.
Air Force Manual 37-139 (AFM 37-139), "Records Disposition Schedule," March 1, 1996.
Air Force Medical Lessons-Learned, Subject: Physical Qualifications, undated.
Air Force Memorandum, from AFMOA/CC, Subject: "Deployment Medical Surveillance," August 17, 1998.
Air Force Memorandum, SAF/MRAI&E for ASD(HA), Subject: "Disposition of Field Medical Records For Operations Desert Shield/Storm," August 11, 1994.
Air Force Message, from HQ USAF/SGHR, Subject: "Exception to AFR 28-4, MOP 17, Deployment of Medical Records in Support of Operation Desert Shield," 182100Z Jan 91.
Air Force Message, HQ AFOMS/SGSB to HQ USAFE/SGAR, Subject: "Contingency Facility Inpatient Reporting Requirements," 181700Z Jan 91.
Air Force Message, HQ TAC/SGAH to 23 TAC Hospital Deployed/SGR, Subject: "Disposition of Inpatient Records," 272030Z Nov 90.
Air Force Message, HQ TAC/SGX to HQ USAF/SGHR-MRC, Subject: "Exception to AFR 28-4, MOP 17, Deployment of Medical Records in Support of Operation Desert Shield," 241950Z Dec 90.
Air Force News Release, "Leaders Unfold Plan to Modify, Strengthen TRICARE," February 3, 1999.
Air Force Pamphlet 44-155, Implementing Put Prevention Into Practice, February 1, 1999.
Air Force Regulation 12-50 (AFR12-50), "Disposition of Air Force Records," vol. II, October 30, 1987.
Air Force Regulation 168-4 (AFR 168-4), "Administration of Medical Activities," April 27, 1990.
Air Force Regulation 28-4 (AFR 28-4), "USAF Mobility Planning," attachment 1, MOP 17, January 8, 1990.
Air Force SAC Medical Lessons-Learned, April 17, 1991.
American Forces Press Service, "Proving Ground Tests DODs Digital Dog Tags," Defense Technology Information Center web site, (as of July 30, 1998).
Army Field Manual 8-10-1 (AFM 8-10-1), "The Medical Company: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures," December 29, 1994.
Army Letter, from Army Medical Group (Provisional), Subject: Documentation Guidelines for Anthrax Immunization, July 9, 1991.
Army Letter, from HQDA, Subject: The Use of DD Form 2766 and DD Form 2766C, March 26, 1999.
Army Letter, from US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity, Subject: Request for Proposal DAMD17-99-R-0001, March 17, 1999.
Army Medical Research and Materiel Command web site, (as of August 3, 1998).
Army Memorandum for Commanders, Major US Army Reserve Commands, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare (BW) Agents," June 25, 1991.
Army Memorandum for Record, DASG-HCD for OTSG, Subject: "Drug and Vaccine Usage During Operation Desert Shield/Storm," December 9, 1991.
Army Memorandum, Defense Supply Service-Washington for D/SIDDOMS II, Lot III Contractors, Subject: "G-CPR Framework Vendor Selection Process," May 1, 1998.
Army Memorandum, from OTSG/SGPS-PSP, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare Agents," May 21, 1991.
Army Memorandum, HSDS for Commander, HSC DENTAC/ADL, Subject: "Disposition of Health Records (Includes Dental Record) Upon Mobilization," August 21, 1990.
Army Memorandum, Office of the Secretary of the Army/SAIS-PDD for Commander, US Army Central Command (ARCENT), Subject: "Desert Storm Records," February 14, 1991.
Army Memorandum, Office of the Surgeon General/SGPS-PSA for Commander, US Army 7th Medical Command, Subject: "Exception to Policy for Use of SF 539 in Minimal Care Cases for Operation Desert Shield," November 23, 1990.
Army Memorandum, OTSG for ASD(HA), Subject: "Disposition of Field Medical Records For Operations Desert Shield/Storm," August 4, 1994.
Army Message, CDRXVIIIABNCORPS/SURG to COMUSARCENT/SURG, Subject: "Disposition of Medical Records and Medical Record Forms," 211200Z Dec 90.
Army Message, DAMO-OMO to CDR Coalition Task Force Kuwait, Subject: "Army Recordkeeping for Southwest Asia," 011258Z Apr 98.
Army Message, from ARCENT/CG, Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 060700Z Jan 91.
Army Message, from CDRFORSCOM, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare (BW) Agents," 191755Z Jun 91.
Army Message, from PERSCOM/TAPC-PDT-T, Subject: "Mailing Health Records of Transitioning Soldiers to VA," 251000Z Sep 92.
Army Regulation 25-400-2 (AR 25-400-2), "The Modern Army Recordkeeping System (MARKS)," October 15, 1986.
Army Regulation 25-400-2 (AR 25-400-2), "The Modern Army Recordkeeping System (MARKS)," February 26, 1993.
Army Regulation 40-562, Navy Medical Command Instruction 6230.3, Air Force Joint Instruction 161-13, Coast Guard Commandant Instruction M6230.4D, "Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis," October 7, 1988.
Army Regulation 40-66 (AR 40-66), "Medical Record Administration," July 20, 1992.
Army Regulation 40-66 (AR 40-66), "Medical Record and Quality Assurance Administration," April 1, 1987.
Army Regulation 640-10 (AR 640-10), "Individual Military Personnel Records," August 31, 1989.
Army Surgeon General Information Paper, Telemedicine Proliferation, October 1997, Army web site, (as of January 23, 1998).
Blanck, Ronald R., Briefing to DoD Press Corps, Medical Force Protection, November 6, 1997.
Buttz, Charles L., "Preparation for Overseas Movement: Lessons Learned," Military Medicine 156, November 1991.
CENTCOM Message, USCINCCENT/CCDC to COMUSARCENT et al., Subject: "Individual Protection and Unit Deployment Policy," 180847Z Feb 98.
CENTCOM Message, USCINCCENT/CCDC to USARCENT et al., Subject: "Individual Protection and Unit Deployment Medical Policy," 250722Z Nov 97.
CENTCOM Message, USCINCCENT/CCDC to USCINCEUR/J1/J3 et al., Subject: "USCINCCENT Individual Protection and Deployment Policy for Unit Deployments and Individual Augmentation," 261440Z Sep 96.
CENTCOM Message, USCINCCENT/CCSG to COMUSARCENTMAIN/SG et al., Subject: "Biological Warfare Vaccination Guidelines," 171632Z Jan 91.
Christopherson, Gary A., Statement before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, April 23, 1998.
Christopherson, Gary A., Statement before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Personnel, March 11, 1998.
Christopherson, Gary A., Statement before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, March 17, 1998.
Clines, T., Presentation at Institute of Medicine Workshop on Medical Surveillance and Recordkeeping, Washington, DC, April 16, 1998.
Cohn, Jean and Celli, Marian, Briefing, A Computer-based Patient Record: The DoD Enterprise Solution for Improving Care Delivery, April 15, 1999.
Communication with staff from Navys Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, December 4, 1998.
Communication with staff from DoD (Health Affairs), April 28, 1999.
Communication with staff from the Department of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) (Joint Requirements & Integration Office), April 29, 1998.
Communication with staff from the National Personnel Records Center, June 18, 1998.
Communications with staff from the Armys Office of the Surgeon General and the Air Force Surgeon Generals Office, November 3 and 5, 1998, and April 27, 1999.
Computer-based Patient Record Institute web site, (as of April 6, 1999).
Congressional Report, "Commission on Servicemembers and Veterans Transition Assistance," January 14, 1999.
Congressional Report, House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, Subcommittee on Human Resources, "Gulf War Veterans Illnesses: VA, DoD Continue to Resist Strong Evidence Linking Toxic Causes to Chronic Health Effects," November 7, 1997.
Congressional Report, Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, "Report of the Special Investigation Unit on Gulf War Illnesses," September 1, 1998.
Department of Defense (Health Affairs) Draft Concept Paper, Computer-based Patient Record, Department of Defense (Health Affairs) web site, (as of June 8, 1999).
Department of Defense (Health Affairs), CHCS II Program Office web site, (as of July 31, 1998).
Department of Defense (Health Affairs), Clinical Business Area PHCA Update Briefing, January 12, 1999.
Department of Defense (Health Affairs), Information Management Program Review Board Meeting, January 28, 1998, DoD (Health Affairs) web site, (as of May 18, 1998).
Department of Defense (Health Affairs), PHCA Overview on PHCA Project web site, (as of May 27, 1999).
Department of Defense (Health Affairs), Strategic Thinking AssumptionsHealth Affairs and the Military Health Services System in 1998, DoD (Health Affairs) web site, (as of July 31, 1998).
Department of Defense (Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses) News Release, "DoD Database Helps Locate Gulf War Hospital Records," August 4, 1998.
Department of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) (Joint Requirements & Integration Office) web site, (as of June 2 and 11, 1999).
Department of Defense (Public Affairs) News Release, "Force Medical Protection," November 6, 1997.
Department of Defense Directive 6000.14 (DODD 6000.14), "Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the Military Health System (MHS)," July 30, 1998.
Department of Defense Directive 6490.2 (DODD 6490.2), "Joint Medical Surveillance," August 30, 1997.
Department of Defense Handbook (MIL-HDBK-50l), Portable Information Carrier, April 15, 1997.
Department of Defense Instruction 6490.3 (DODI 6490.3), "Implementation and Application of Joint Medical Surveillance for Deployments," August 7, 1997.
Department of Defense Investigational New Drug protocol, Administration of Pentavalent Botulinum Toxoid to At-Risk Individuals during Operation Desert Shield, September 14, 1990.
Department of Defense Letter, Acting ASD(HA) to Food and Drug Administration, undated.
Department of Defense Letter, Acting ASD(HA) to General Accounting Office, January 21, 1998.
Department of Defense Letter, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs to Commissioner of Food and Drugs, September 13, 1996.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for Assistant Secretary of the Army (MR&A) et al., Subject: "Disposition of Field Medical Records For Operations Desert Shield/Storm," July 12, 1994.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for Assistant Service Secretaries, Subject: "Policy MemorandumDOD/VA Separation Physical Examination," September 28, 1998.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for Assistant Service Secretaries, Subject: "Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP) Policy," March 31, 1998.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for the Service Secretaries, Subject: "Health Documentation for Deployed Members of the Armed Services," February 24, 1999.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for the Surgeons General and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Subject: "Policy on Issue and Use of the Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin for the Post-Exposure Treatment of Anthrax," March 5, 1998.
Department of Defense Memorandum, ASD(HA) for the Surgeons General and the Joint Staff (J-4), Subject: "Policy for Pre- and Post-Deployment Health Assessments and Blood Samples," October 6, 1998.
Department of Defense Report to Congress, "Medical Tracking System for Members Deployed Overseas," May 1998.
Department of Defense Report to Congress, "The Transfer of Service Medical Records," August 5, 1994.
Department of Defense, Medical Readiness Strategic Plan 1998-2004, DoD 5136.1-P, August 1998.
Department of Defense, Military Health System Data Administration Conference, May 20-21, 1998, Bethesda, MD.
Department of Defense, Military Health System Strategic Plan, DoD (Health Affairs) web site, (as of August 3, 1998).
Department of Defense, Technology Information Center, Multi-Technology Automated Reader Card Pilot Project Description, Defense Technology Information Center web site, (as of July 30,1998).
Department of Defense, Theater Medical Information Program, Tri-Service Center for Total Analysis web site, (as of April 2, 1998).
Department of Defense/Department of Veterans Affairs (DOD/VA) Memorandum of Understanding, "The Transfer/Loan of Military Health (Medical & Dental) Treatment Records to VA," October 1995.
Department of Veterans Affairs, Telemedicine Information, VA web site, (as of February 17, 1998 and June 2, 1999).
Electronic Data Systems, Department of Defense/National Archives and Records Administration Medical Treatment Records Management BPR and Time-Phased Implementation Plan, December 15, 1995.
Electronic Data Systems, Department of Defense/National Archives and Records Administration Medical Records Disposition Management Final Report, September 25, 1996.
EUCOM Message, from USCINCEUR/ECMD, Subject: "Redeployment Medical Screening Guidance for U.S. Personal Supporting Operation Joint Endeavor," 231639Z Feb 96.
Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR Part 50, Accessibility to New Drugs for Use in Military and Civilian Exigencies When Traditional Human Efficacy Studies Are Not Feasible: Determination Under the Interim Rule That Informed Consent is Not Feasible for Military Exigencies; Request for Comments, Federal Register, July 31, 1997.
Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR Part 50, Informed Consent for Human Drugs and Biologics: Determination That Informed Consent Is Not Feasible; Interim Rule and Opportunity for Public Comment, Federal Register, December 21, 1990.
G-CPR Framework Project, CIO Executive Briefing, May 1999.
General Accounting Office Letter, David P. Baine to John D. Rockefeller IV, May 4, 1994.
General Accounting Office Report, Defense Health Care: Medical Surveillance Improved Since Gulf War, but Mixed Results in Bosnia, May 13, 1997.
General Accounting Office Report, Gulf War Veterans: Incidence of Tumors Cannot be Reliably Determined from Available Data, March 3, 1998.
General Accounting Office Testimony, Kwai-Cheung Chan, before the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, Subcommittee on Human Resources, Gulf War Veterans: Limitations of Available Data for Accurately Determining the Incidence of Tumors, May 14, 1998.
General Accounting Office Testimony, Stephen P. Backhus, before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits: Improvements Made to Persian Gulf Claims Processing, February 5, 1998.
Institute of Medicine Report, Health Consequences of Service During the Persian Gulf War: Recommendations for Research and Information Systems, 1996.
Institute of Medicine Report, Health Consequences of Service During the Persian Gulf War: Initial Findings and Recommendations for Immediate Action, January 1995.
Institute of Medicine Report, The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology of Health Care, 1997.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum, Director of the Joint Staff for Service Chiefs and Unified Command CINCS, "Deployment Health Surveillance and Readiness," December 4, 1998.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Point Paper, Subject: Retention of Wartime and Other Military Operations Documents, November 1998.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication 4-02, "Doctrine for Health Services Support in Joint Operations," April 26, 1995.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Publication 4-02, "Doctrine for Health Services Support in Joint Operations," First Draft, August 30, 1998.
Lead Sheet #5553, Interview of hospital corpsman, July 22, 1997.
Lead Sheet #7992, Interview of medical unit commander, January 27, 1997.
Lead Sheet #9882, Interview of air search and rescue member, February 11, 1997.
Lead Sheet #10934, Interview of hospital corpsman, May 22, 1997.
Lead Sheet #11063, Interview of Fox vehicle commander, June 11, 1997.
Lead Sheet #11167, Interview of hospital commander, October 27, 1997.
Lead Sheet #12848, Interview of aeromedical evacuation technician, September 4, 1997.
Lead Sheet #14407, Interview of holding company physician, April 3, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14424, Interview of MASH nurse, February 20, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14432, Interview of evacuation hospital nurse, February 26, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14436, Interview of medical company first sergeant, March 4, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14606, Interview of clearing company physician, March 27, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14880, Interview of aeromedical technician, April 13, 1998.
Lead Sheet #14911, Interview of evacuation hospital physician, July 8, 1998.
Lead Sheet #17115, Interview of MASH patient administrator, July 1, 1998.
Marine Corps Command Chronology, 8th Tank Battalion of 2nd Marine Division, April 12, 1991.
Marine Corps MAG-31 Lessons-Learned, JULLS #10112-08717, March 21, 1994.
Marine Corps Message, 1st MARDIV/CG to All First MARDIV, Subject: "Biological Vaccination Program," 200932Z Mar 91.
Marine Corps Message, CMC/M-RA to ALMAR, Subject: "Revised Procedures for Transfer of Health Records Upon Discharge or Release from Active Duty," 151005Z Apr 94.
Martin, Edward D., Statement before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense, February 12, 1998.
Montgomery, Michael, Briefing, Patient Administration Y2K: Supporting the Operational Continuum, February 3, 1999.
National Guard Bureau Memorandum, All States Log Number 191-0209, Subject: "Medical Records and Rosters Related to Vaccination Against Biological Warfare Agents," June 24, 1991.
National Guard Bureau Message, from Air National Guard/CSS, Subject: "Deployment of Medical Records," 130830Z Jan 91.
National Personnel Records Center Information Sheet, June 1998.
National Research Council, For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information, Washington, DC, National Academy of Sciences, 1997, National Academy Press web site, (as of July 27, 1998).
National Science and Technology Council/Presidential Review Directive 5, A National Obligation: Planning for Health Preparedness for and Readjustment of the Military, Veterans, and Their Families after Future Deployments, August 1998.
Navy BUMED Lessons-Learned, JULLS #LLCC0-01071, March 1, 1991.
Navy COMNAVDOCCOM Lessons-Learned, JULLS #LLWE0-03651, April 7, 1995.
Navy Instruction 5212.5C (SECNAVINST 5212.5C), "Navy and Marine Corps Records Disposition Manual," July 11, 1985.
Navy Instruction 5212.5D (SECNAVINST 5212.5D), "Navy and Marine Corps Records Disposition Manual," April 22, 1998.
Navy Manual (NAVMED P-117), "Manual of the Medical Department," December 23, 1994.
Navy Medical Command Instruction 6150.1 (NAVMEDCOMINST 6150.1), "Health Care and Treatment Records," February 25, 1987.
Navy Memorandum, Chief of BUMED to All Stations, Subject: "Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet for Implementation of Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)," July 7, 1998.
Navy Message, CNO to NAVADMIN, Subject: "Transfer of the Navy Health (Medical and Dental) Treatment Records," 261423Z Jan 1994.
Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board, Action Plan with Respect the Final Report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses, March 7, 1997.
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses, Final Report, December 31, 1996.
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses, Interim Report, February 15, 1996.
Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses, Special Report, October 31, 1997.
Public Law 105-85 (H.R. 1119), National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998, November 18, 1997.
Ray, Lynn, Briefing to Mr. William Delaney from Senator Leahys Office, December 15, 1998.
Rizzo, Eric N., "Overview of Computerized Patient/Medical Records," University of Miami web site, (as of February 17, 1998).
Shays, Christopher C., Statement for House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, Subcommittee on Human Resources, May 14, 1998.
White House Press Release, "Statement of the President: Special Report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses," November 8, 1997.
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