Exposure Close-Out Reports present findings and conclusions reached to-date on
investigations involving potential exposures of US military and civilian personnel to
environmental contaminants that may cause adverse health effects. The Office of the
Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Gulf War Illnesses began this
investigation of water use during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in response to
congressional inquiries and reports by veterans of adverse health effects from contact
with water. The investigation included extensive research into water sources, treatment,
storage, and distribution, as well as water use plans and policies. |
Presidential Special Oversight Board requested that we provide a summary of this
investigation, which we did at a public hearing on September 16, 1999. Based on its review
of this material, the Board concluded that the information obtained to date did not
support a cause-and-effect relationship. The emerging results and anticipated outcomes
from continued investigation are not likely to improve our understanding of any of the
unexplained illnesses. Consequently, the Presidential Special Oversight Board directed
terminating further investigation. In addition, to bring the investigation to closure, the
Board requested that we complete a close-out report to present the data, documentary
evidence, and findings compiled during the course of the investigation. The close-out
report that follows complies with the Boards direction, but if you believe you have
additional information related to water use, please contact my office by calling: |